Thank you for your interest in being a sponsor for the Swedesboro-Woolwich Soccer Association.  Please fill out one of the forms below to submit your request.

Online Sponsorship Form

  • Please check sponsorship level below:

    Checks payable to SWSA and either give to sponsorship coordinator or send to:
    Swedesboro-Woolwich Soccer Association
    PO Box 270
    Swedesboro, NJ 08085
  • Sponsorship Descriptions:
    Swedesboro Cup Sponsor:
    - Includes company name on website (please provide high resolution logo)
    - Facebook/Instagram advertisement

    State Cup Sponsor:
    - All benefits of Swedesboro Cup plus:
    - Vendor Fee waived for Fall Kick-off

    Regional Cup Sponsor:
    - All benefits of State Cup plus:
    - Honorable Mention on Sponsorship Banner displayed at Locke Ave Park
    - Company name displayed on the front page of the SWSA website

    National Cup Sponsor:
    - All benefits of Regional Cup plus
    - Individual Logo displayed at Locke Ave Park

    World Cup Sponsor:
    -All benefits of National Cup plus
    - Field Sponsorship: Logo/banner displayed on each net of designated field!
    - World Cup Sponsor opportunities are limited and will be first come, first serve!
  • Payment Information:
    All benefits are valid for one year from the receipt of payment.
    - Checks payable to: SWSA
    - Give to sponsorship coordinator or send to the address above
    - Request PayPal Invoice

PDF Sponsorship Form